Carline Instructions
For families planning to drop off and pick up their children, Lakeside Charter Academy has established the following carline rules:

Drop-Off and Pick-Up Guidelines
Drop-off starts at 7:30 am, with classes beginning promptly at 8:00 am. Pick-up begins at 2:50 pm.
For any late arrivals, parents must park, walk their child to the front office, and sign them in. This computerized process can take some time, so please ensure your child arrives on time every day.
To ensure the safety of all, we ask that parents remain in their cars during drop-off and pick-up. A member of the Lakeside Charter Academy staff will assist students into and out of vehicles.
If you need to pick up your child early for an appointment, please do so no later than 2:00 pm.
The blue line on the map indicates where cars should stop for students to enter and exit. If you are at the school for any reason after 2:00 pm, please do not park in these spots.
In the event of rain or temperatures below 32°F, students will not wait outside but will come directly to the car.
If you are picking up another child along with yours, please email Leila Queja at l.queja@lakesidecharteracademy.com and inform the teachers in advance. Only individuals listed on the pick-up contact list will be allowed to pick up children.
For late pick-ups, students will be sent to Afterschool Care and charged an hourly fee.
Please be aware that the front office will ask for ID if someone from the contact list comes to pick up your child.