Woohoo! Big news at Lakeside! We have a new vending machine, but not just ANY machine--ours is stocked with BOOKS! That's right. Food for the mind, with titles recommended by our very own teachers! The best part is that every student in our school can earn a free book from the vending machine by the end of the year. Read on to learn more.
Standing on our three pillars of education: scholarship, leadership and citizenship, these vending machines will expose students to titles that reinforce literacy in all subjects and character education. All while keeping reading fun!

How it Works:
It's simple. Our teachers have tokens that they can give students showing good behavior. It's all based on our BEARS core value model:
B for Bound for excellence
E for Empathy
A for Accessible
R for Respect and
S for Sincerity
If students do something that fits with one of these, our teacher gives them a token.
Scholars then take the token to the front desk and trade it in for a chance to use the vending machine. It's a reward for being an excellent student at Lakeside.
What Kind of Books Can We Get from the Vending Machine?
Well, our teachers have picked out cool titles. There's "A Big Guy Took My Ball" by Mo Willems, a heartwarming story about seeing beyond differences to get along. There's also "Bad Kitty Meets the Baby" by Nick Bruel, about a mischievous cat named Kitty who has to adjust to the arrival of a new baby in the household. And for those who love nature, there's "Odd Animals" by Rose Davidson, a fun way to "get to know the weirdest, silliest, most unique critters in the animal kingdom."
We are thrilled this new addition to Lakeside will inspire students to have fun reading. It will be a great way to learn, spur imagination and reward excellent behavior. If you're looking for a fantastic public school home for your K-9th grader, schedule a tour today.
About Lakeside
Lakeside Charter Academy is a K-9th community-driven school where caring educators, parents, and local business leaders work to provide unparalleled education. Our approach is nurturing yet challenging, innovative while embracing proven traditions. We are committed to offering a safe, fun environment for children to reach their highest academic potential. Enroll your child today!